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     Dream... is a hope, is a thing that we look for, is a passion.  I think everyone must have their own dreams.
What about u?? 

    For me, dream is important enough because I think, if we don't have dreams, we can't do something with fire, we can't determine what should we do. Dream can make our outlook on life better, isn't it?

     There are some people that say, " Don't dream about thing that too high, because if u can't reach it, poor u, even u can become frustration and crazy."  Wow, so scare to hear that.

     But I disagree with that sentence. Don't be affraid to dream. Dream is a hope that may be will be real or may be not.  Because of that, if we dare to dream, we also should ready to face the posibility of our dreams. As we know, there are only two posibilities in this world, yes or no. We should ready and sincere what will happen in this real life.  I mean, we may not make our dreams to be an over obsession, but we should consider that our dreams are the achievement that we look for and may be will be real or may be won't be real. We should try again and again to reach it. If we can reach it, don't forget to give thanks to Allah, but if we can't reach it, I think the best way is, we should think that may be our dreams is not our way, and keep positive thinking that Allah will give the different thing that better for us without we guess. Keep positive thinking!! 

     There is a proverb that say, "Nothing is impossible". Yup, I think that proverb is true, nothing is impossible if we really try and pray. 

     And u know? IMPOSSIBLE itself says that --> I'M POSSIBLE... hahaha 

    Just positive thinking, what will be, will be. And everyone have right to dream. Don't ever stop to dream, because dream is free, we don't need to pay what we wanna dream.

     Go ahead everyone, try to reach ur dream.. Although u think ur dreams are hard enough to reach, at least u ever dream about it. :p


Application of Quantum Computer

    Komputer kuantum adalah alat hitung yang menggunakan sebuah fenomena mekanika kuantum, misalnya superposisi dan keterkaitan, untuk melakukan operasi data. Dalam komputasi klasik, jumlah data dihitung dengan bit; dalam komputer kuantum, hal ini dilakukan dengan qubit. Jika dikatakan, komputer kuantum hanya butuh waktu 20 menit untuk mengerjakan sebuah proses yang butuh waktu 1025 tahun pada komputer saat ini, kita tentu akan tercengang. Hal inilah yang membuat para ilmuwan begitu tertarik untuk mengembangkan kemungkinan terbentuknya komputer kuantum. Meskipun hingga saat ini belum tercipta sebuah komputer kuantum yang dibayangkan oleh para ilmuwan, kemajuan ke arah sana terus berlangsung. Bahkan yang menarik, ternyata perkembangan komputer kuantum juga mengikuti apa yang dikatakan oleh Gordan Moore sang Genius IBM "Kemampuan Prosesor akan meningkat dua kali lipat dalam jangka waktu 18 bulan". Jika hal ini benar, para ilmuwan akan dapat membangun sebuah komputer kuantum hanya dalam waktu lima tahun ke depan. Setidaknya, begitulah yang dikatakan oleh Raymond Laflamme, ilmuwan dari Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Amerika Serikat. Prinsip dasar komputer kuantum adalah bahwa sifat kuantum dari partikel dapat digunakan untuk mewakili data dan struktur data, dan bahwa mekanika kuantum dapat digunakan untuk melakukan operasi dengan data ini dan teknologi ini adalah salah satu hasil dari "applied Physic"(fisika terapan).

1. Cryptography
Spies, komunikasi, dan kode rahasia and Kriptografi adalah seni encoding dan decoding pesan dan telah ada selama orang tidak mempercayai satu sama lain dan berusaha. Tujuan dari kriptografi adalah untuk mengirimkan informasi tersebut bahwa hanya penerima yang dimaksud menerimanya. Meskipun bidang kriptografi adalah kuno, tidak statis. teknik kriptografi telah berevolusi selama berabad-abad, dengan pembuat kode bekerja untuk berada di depan para-pemecah kode. Langkah besar selanjutnya dalam proses evolusi mungkin di tanganenkripsi yang paling umum metode Hari ini terancam oleh potensi penciptaan dari komputer kuantum. Tapi sudah kriptografi kuantum telah dikembangkan yang menjanjikan komunikasi yang lebih aman daripada teknik yang sudah ada dan tidak bisa dikompromikan oleh komputer kuantum.kriptografi mengambil keuntungan dari perilaku yang tidak biasa dan unik benda mikroskopis untuk memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengembangkan kunci rahasia aman serta untuk mendeteksienguping.

2. Searching
Sistem pencarian data dalam sebuah basis data merupakan kebutuhan yang sangat penting bagi kemajuan sebuah perusahaan. Kebutuhan akan informasi yang cepat mengakibatkan dinamika basis data yang semakin cepat pula. Untuk itu jarang sekali indeks-indeks dalam basis data tersebut diurutkan terlebih dahulu, karena mengingat waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk pengurutan indeks-indeks itu sendiri cukup lama meskipun pencarian data akan membutuhkan waktu relatif lebih singkat dibandingkan dengan indeks-indeks yang tak terurut.

3. Faktorising
Pada tahun 1995, Peter Shor merumuskan sebuah algoritma yang memungkinkan penggunaan komputer kuantum untuk memecahkan masalah faktorisasi dalam teori bilangan. Hingga saat ini, riset di bidang komputer kuantum terus dijalankan di seluruh dunia. Beberapa kendala terus dicari pernyelesaiannya. Berbagai metode dikembangkan untuk memungkinkan terwujudnya sebuah komputer yang memilki kemampuan yang luar biasa ini. Sejauh ini, sebuah komputer kuantum yang telah dibangun hanya dapat mencapai kemampuan untuk memfaktorkan dua digit bilangan.

4. Simulating
Simulasi komputer telah lama diterima sebagai metodologi yang ketiga dalam banyak cabang il pengetahuan dan insinyur- komputer konvensional dapat digunakan untuk mensimulasikan komputer kuantum yang relatif kecil tetapi secara signifikan lebih besar dari mesin eksperimental yang telah dibangun. Oleh karena itu, mencolok bahwa gagasan teoretis tentang perhitungan kuantum yang jarang dihadapkan dengan eksperimen numerik yang dapat dilakukan keluar pada saat ini (super) komputer.



Kabupaten Raja Ampat letaknya terpencil di Papua Barat. Kawasan ini menyimpan sejuta keindahan bawah laut. Wisata bahari Raja Ampat dikenal sebagai salah satu dari 10 wisata menyelam terbaik di dunia.

Pesona dan kekayaan alam bawah laut, menjadi andalan Kabupaten Raja Ampat menembus persaingan dunia pariwisata di Indonesia dan dunia. Kawasan ini dikenal sebagai pusat sumber daya alam tropis terkaya di dunia.
Untuk memperkenalkannya ke dunia, Raja Ampat membuka pusat informasi di Bali. Alasannya, Bali sebagai destinasi utama kunjungan wisatawan asing ke Indonesia.
Raja Ampat adalah kabupaten baru di Indonesia. Wilayah yang terletak terpencil di Papua Barat ini baru berusia tujuh tahun. Bahkan, infrastrukturnya belum memadai. Untuk mencapai Raja Ampat, wisatawan harus terbang ke Sorong kemudian menyusuri laut sejauh 71 km untuk tiba di Raja Ampat.
Meskipun masih berusia dini, Raja Ampat mampu menyedot wisatawan mancanegara sebanyak 5 ribu orang per tahun pada 2009. Targetnya, kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara mencapai 6 ribu di tahun 2010.

sumber: detiknews.com


Fundamental Challenges in Mobile Computing

1.         Introduction
                  What is really different about mobile computing? The computers are smaller and bits travel by wireless rather than Ethernet. How can this possibly make any difference?
                  Isn’t a mobile system merely a special case of a distributed system? Are there any new and deep issues to be investigated, or is mobile computing just the latest fad?

1.2. The Need for Adaptation
                  Mobility exacerbates the tension between autonomy and interdependence that is characteristic of all distributed systems. The relative resource poverty of mobile elements as well as their lower trust and robustness argues for reliance on static servers. But the need to cope with unreliable and low-performance networks, as well as the need to be sensitive to power consumption argues for selfreliance.
1.3. Taxonomy of Adaptation Strategies
                  The range of strategies for adaptation is delimited by two extremes, as shown in Figure 1. At one extreme, adaptation is entirely the responsibility of individual applications. While this laissez-faire approach avoids the need for system support, it lacks a central arbitrator to resolve incompatible resource demands of different applications and to enforce limits on resource usage. It also makes applications more difficult to write, and fails to amortize the development cost of support for adaptation.
1.4. The Extended Client-Server Model
                  Another way to characterize the impact of mobile computing constraints is to examine their effect on the classic client-server model. In this model, a small number of trusted server sites constitute the true home of data. Efficient and safe access to this data is possible from a much larger number of untrusted client sites. Techniques such as caching and read-ahead can be used to provide good performance, while end-to-end authentication and encrypted transmission can be used to preserve security.
2.      Summary of Coda and Odyssey Results
                  Since the research contributions of Coda have already been extensively documented in the literature, we only provide a high-level summary of the key results here:

- Disconnected operation
- Optimistic replication
- Support for weak connectivity
- Isolation-only transactions
- Server replication
3.                3.         Fertile Topics for Exploration
                  Each topic is presented in two parts: a brief discussion that lays out the problem space of the topic, followed by a sample of open questions pertaining to it. Again, my aim in posing these questions is not to be exhaustive but to offer food for thought.

      3.1. Caching Metrics
                  Caching plays a key role in mobile computing because of its ability to alleviate the performance and availability limitations of weakly-connected and disconnected operation. But evaluating alternative caching strategies for mobile computing is problematic.
3.2. Semantic Callbacks and Validators
                  Preserving cache coherence under conditions of weak connectivity can be expensive. Large communication latency increases the cost of validation of cached objects. Intermittent failures increase the frequency of validation, since it must be performed each time communication is restored.
                  A lazy approach that only validates on demand could reduce validation frequency; but this approach would worsen consistency because it increases the likelihood of stale objects being accessed while disconnected. The cost of cache coherence is exacerbated in systems like Coda that use anticipatory caching for availability, because the number of objects cached (resident set size) is much larger than the number of objects in current use (working set size).

3.3. Algorithms for Resource Revocation
                  Application-aware adaptation complicates the problem of resource management. In principle, the system owns all resources. At any time, it may revoke resources that it has temporarily delegated to an application. Alas, reality is never that simple. A variety of factors complicate the problem.

3.4. Analysis of Adaptation
                  How does one compare the adaptive capabilities of two mobile clients? The primary figure of merit is agility, or the ability of a client to promptly respond to perturbations. Since it is possible for a client to be more agile with respect to some variables (such as bandwidth) than others (such as battery power), agility should be viewed as a composite metric.
A system that is highly agile may suffer from instability. Such a system consumes almost all its resources reacting to minor perturbations, hence performing little useful computation. The ideal mobile client is obviously one that is highly agile but very stable with respect to all variables of interest.

3.5. Global Estimation from Local Observations
                  Adaptation requires a mobile client to sense changes in its environment, make inferences about the cause of these changes, and then react appropriately. These imply the ability to make global estimates based on local observations.

4.                 4.   Conclusion
                  The tension between autonomy and interdependence is intrinsic to all distributed systems. Mobility exacerbates this tension, making it necessary for mobile clients to tolerate a far broader range of external conditions than has been necessary hitherto. Adaptation is the key to mobility. By using local resources to reduce communication and to cope with uncertainty, adaptation insulates users from the vagaries of mobile environments. Our research is exploring two different approaches to adaptation: application-transparent and application-aware. Our experience with Coda confirms that application-transparent adaptation is indeed viable and effective for a broad range of important applications. In circumstances where it is inadequate, our initial experience with Odyssey suggests that application-aware adaptation is the appropriate strategy.
                  In closing, it is worth speculating on the long-term impact of mobility on distributed systems. In his book Mind Children, my colleague Hans Moravec draws an analogy between the seminal role of mobility in the evolution of biological species, and its influence on the capabilities of computing systems [10]. Although Hans’ comments are directed at robotic systems, I believe that his observation applies equally well to a much broader class of distributed computing systems involving mobile elements. Mobility will influence the evolution of distributed systems in ways that we can only dimly perceive at the present time. In this sense, mobile computing is truly a seminal influence on the design of distributed systems.

sumber : www.cs.cmu.edu/~coda/docdir/podc95.pdf 


    Cloud computing adalah gabungan pemanfaatan teknologi komputer (komputasi) dan pengembangan berbasis internet.  Awan (cloud) adalah metafora dari internet sebagaimana awan yang sering digambarkan didiagram jaringan komputer.  Sebagaimana awan dalam jaringan komputer tersebut, awan (cloud) dalam cloud computing juga merupakan abstraksi dari infrastruktur kompleks yang disembunyikannya.
           Teknologi ini dibutuhkan untuk kecepatan dan realibilitas yang lebih dari teknology yang sebelumnya sehingga teknologi ini nantinya akan mencapai pada tingkat investasi dalam term cloud service yang cepat dan mudah.
Cloud sudah hadir di depan kita saat ini, namun apa itu cloud ? kemana tujuanya ? dan apa resikonya? dan bagaimana organisasi IT mempersiapkan ini ? itulah pertanyaan yang setidaknya akan hadir oleh beberapa praktisi ataupun peminat IT, Cloud computing pada dasaranya adalah menggunakan Internet-based service untuk meng support business process. Cloud service biasanya memiliki beberapa karakteristik, diantaranya adalah:
Sangat cepat di deploy, sehingga cepat berarti instant untuk implementasi.
·         Nantinya biaya start-up teknologi ini mungkin akan sangat murah atau tidak ada dan juga tidak ada investasi kapital.
·         Biaya dari service dan pemakaian akan berdasarkan komitmen yang tidak fix.
·         Service ini dapat dengan mudah di upgrade atau downgrade dengan cepat tampa adanya Penalty.
·         Service ini akan menggunakan metode multi-tenant (Banyak customer dalam 1 platform).
·         Kemampuan untuk meng customize service akan menjadi terbatas.



Mike Shinoda a.k.a Michael Kenji Shinoda

       Michael Kenji Shinoda or usually called mike shinoda is one of my favourite artist. Was born on February 11, 1977.  I think he really was born as a multitalented artist in music industry. He is very cool. :D

         I liked him since I was in the sixth grade of elementary school.  I heard 'Hybrid Theory' which was Linkin Park first album. And I thought I liked their songs. Their songs has hypnotized me to listened and listened again.  And because of I heard their songs, I was so interested because mike sang a cool rap almost in all songs.

       After I adhere Linkin Park next and next of the next album, and as 
my knowledge about Mike Shinoda's career and a little his personal life,
I really wanna be his true fans untill Mike Shinoda died later.. :D

Label: ,


     As we know, Bromo mountain is one of the interesting tourism object in Indonesia.  This tourism object is located at Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru, in the east side of Malang city, East Java. Its visitors not only from domestic tourists but also many foreign tourists also come there.
I ever went there about four years ago.  And it has long time enough happened.  But I still remember the very scarce and beautiful view in Bromo.
Visitors usually start  their trip to Bromo in early morning, because of course they wanna see the beautiful sunrise phenomenon in Bromo.  The first thing that we should do before we get a trip to Bromo is, we should prepare the thick clothes and other thing that can make us warm in Bromo area, because the first thing that we will feel when we go out from our car in Bromo area is, very very cold air. And as I know, especially in early morning, the temperature is about 350 C, even if the weather is rainy, the temperature can be 00 C
To see the sunrise, we should pass the Pananjakan mountain, which is the highest mountain in Bromo area, that’s why  this mountain is chosen to be the place where the visitors can see the sunrise phenomenon.  The road to Pananjakan mountain is heavy enough and also has many crankle, so we can’t use ordinary car, we just can use a jeep car or a kind of jeep car to reach the Pananjakan mountain and other Bromo area.  But if our car isn’t a kind of jeep car, don’t worry because there are many places that rent a jeep car or a kind of jeep car for the Bromo’s visitors and usually the car rent with its driver too.
If we have arrived on the upside of Pananjakan mountain, we can see there are some shops that sell hot coffee, hot tea, hot burn corn to warm our body while waiting for the sunrise come.  There are also some shops that offer edelwise flower or other kind of mountain flower.
            To see the sunrise, we should walk from the place we parked our car, and we also must up the stairs.  But the stairs is not really high.  When I went there, the stairs that we must pass is dark enough and lack of lighting, so better bring a lighting to light our way to the place where we can sit and waiting for the sunrise phenomenon.  We have to be patient to wait the sunrise, and sometime we also can’t always see the sunrise phenomenon there, because if the sky is cloudy, the sunrise will covered with cloud and we can’t see the sunrise clearly.
            After see the sunrise, when the time is about half pass 5 or six o’clock, we can continue our trip, with down the stairs and go to our car and then we can go down go to Bromo mountain area.  At Bromo mountain, we can see the very large sea of sands or we usually call it in Indonesia, “Lautan Pasir”.  It is very large area, dry, and grown with a little dry grass, and surrounded with some maountains.  There are many Tengger people who rent their horse at "Lautan Pasir".

            If we wanna go to Bromo mountain’s foot, we can not use any vehicle, we just can use horse or if we feel strong we can walk.  If we wanna see the crater of Bromo, we should walk because we must pass many stairs.  We must up the stairs, and its number is about 250 stairs. If we have arrive on the peak of Bromo mountain, we can see the crater of Bromo that produce a lot of smokes, and if we go back and look down, we can see the very scarce and amazing view, it is the “Lautan Pasir” with the small temple in its middle, and it’s surrounded by some mountains.  What a beautiful amazing and scarce view.  I hope one day I can visit Bromo again.


Batik is a cloth that traditionally uses a manual wax-resist dyeing technique. Javanese traditional batik, especially from Yogyakarta and Surakarta, has notable meanings rooted to the Javanese conceptualization of the universe. Traditional colours include indigo, dark brown, and white, which represent the three major Hindu Gods (Brahmā, Visnu, and Śiva). This is related to the fact that natural dyes are most commonly available in indigo and brown. Certain patterns can only be worn by nobility; traditionally, wider stripes or wavy lines of greater width indicated higher rank. Consequently, during Javanese ceremonies, one could determine the royal lineage of a person by the cloth he or she was wearing.

Other regions of Indonesia have their own unique patterns that normally take themes from everyday lives, incorporating patterns such as flowers, nature, animals, folklore or people. The colours of pesisir batik, from the coastal cities of northern Java, is especially vibrant, and it absorbs influence from the Javanese, Arab, Chinese and Dutch cultures. In the colonial times pesisir batik was a favourite of the derivative Chinese, Dutch and Eurasians.

UNESCO designated Indonesian batik as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity on October 2, 2009. As part of the acknowledgment, UNESCO insisted that Indonesia preserve their heritage. Batik or fabrics with the traditional batik patterns are also found in several countries such as Malaysia, Japan, China, Azerbaijan, India, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Nigeria, Senegal, and Singapore. Malaysian batik often displays plants and flowers to avoid the interpretation of human and animal images as idolatry, in accordance with local Islamic doctrine.


Tips menjaga agar kulit tetap sehat

     Semua orang terutama kaum hawa, pasti pengen punya kulit yang bagus. Kalo menurut aku,kulit yang bagus itu ga harus identik dengan kulit yang putih, tapi kulit yang emang dasarnya gelap juga bisa kok keliatan bagus,yang penting sehat.  Kulit yang sehat adalah kulit yang mempunyai fungsi normal, tanpa kelainan dan penyakit. Atau secara klinis dikategorikan sebagai kulit yg halus, kencang, berfungsi baik, mempunyai toleransi optimal, dan lembab.
Untuk menjaga kulit tetap sehat sangat mudah, disini ada tips dari aku buat teman-teman :
--> Selalu bersihkan kulit setiap selesai berpergian karena angin yang menerpa kulit kita menyebabkan debu dan kotoran menyumbat pori-pori dan menambah tebalnya kulit mati di kulit.
--> Gunakan Masker sebaiknya dua kali seminggu, begitu juga luluran. Dan pada saat dioleskan harus lembut dan jangan terlalu keras karena dapat menyebabkan iritasi pada kulit.
--> Beroragalah secara teratur, karena berolahraga tdk hanya membuat tubuh bugar dan sehat, tapi juga memperbaiki sirkulasi darah ke jaringan sehingga kulit akan cukup mendapat nutrisi. Tidak hanya itu, olahraga juga menarik otot sehingga tidak kendur. Agar kulit kita sehat dan kencang, jadi mulai sekarang berolahraga minimal jogging satu jam dua kali seminggu.
--> Hal yang tak kalah penting yaitu pemenuhan nutrisi dari dalam melalui konsumsi buah-buahan dan sayuran yang mengandung vitamin A, B, C dan E yg sangat bagus untuk menjaga kehalusan kulit. Vitamin A berguna untuk mencegah kulit kering, sedangkan vitamin C dan E berfungsi sebagai antioksidan.  
Vitamin A: Selain bagus untuk mata, vitamin A banyak terkandung pada sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan berwarna cerah yang jelas mengandung antioksidan. Vitamin A juga sanggup mengurangi kerut, garis halus, mencegah jerawat dan mencegah produksi sebum. Contoh: Wortel, Tomat.
* Vitamin B Kompleks: Vitamin ini selain pilihan tepat untuk memerangi jerawat, melainkan juga bagus untuk memperbaiki sirkulasi dan metabolisme kulit.
* Vitamin C: Berfungsi untuk menstabilkan kolagen, sehingga membuat kulit tampak cerah.
* Vitamin E: Memiliki efek antiperadangan pada kulit.
